Welcome to Using Jesus Sword Without Errors (UJSWE) main web-platform where you can find edifying biblical content that is seasoned with the truth only. UJSWE encourages you to know the truth for yourself because there is freedom in it. Do not just read; Let us explore the 'narrow way' concepts together with Jesus at our forefront. 


John 8:32 "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (KJV).

Our mission statement and beliefs are straightforward; We believe in the entirety of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. We uphold the 66 canons of scriptures as complete truth. It is our manual for life as we live in expectation for the second return of God the Christ who is Jesus. This ministry believes in God the Father, God the Son who is Christ the savior, and God the Holy Spirit our great COMFORTER which neatly emphasize the entirety of God who empowers His church and children with many gifts in these last days. We uphold the full capacity of God without limitations. Thus we cling to His words through revelations, precepts and alignments that reflects the ultimate truth without manipulation or private/deceptive interpretations. 


That being said, explore our site with your Bibles in hand; This is a community for devoted Bible believing Christians but it is a great resource for the UNSAVED to become SAVED. 

Please be encouraged to sign up for weekly studies and devotionals. We also have free content all over this site that will support both young and old in these last days. 

God Bless you as you enjoy. 

Much love from Apostle Sha (founder of Using Jesus Sword Without Errors)

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